Primus Elite Display with new opportunities

1 min czytania

Our business partner, an American company – Honeywell, has introduced an upgrade to LCD Primus Elite displays, dedicated to Bombardier Global Express, Global Express XLS and Global 5000 airplanes (with Primus 2000XP system). The above mentioned bombardier made the first installations of Primus Elite displays, developed STC for Global Express airplane and obtained FAA and EASA aircraft certification.

Primus Elite System is perfect for operators of Global Express, Global Express XLS and Global 5000 airplanes who are looking for new solutions for older display technology. Primus Elite cockpit provides the most elaborate and user-friendly display upgrade. Cockpit is characterized by powerful graphics, advanced functions and improved display legibility in LCD technology. Improved situational awareness and enhanced safety functions include Jeppesen’s electronic maps and charts, XM Weather service, overlays and video inputs, all activated by a cursor interface.

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Honeywell assumes that operating efficiency and safety do not exclude each other. As beneficiary of this approach, operators as well as owners of Bombardier Global Express, Global Express XLS and Global 5000 airplanes, by choosing Primus Elite upgrade, will not only add value to their planes, but also increase safety, efficiency and reliability.

It is interesting that Honeywell Primus Elite upgrade has been indicated by the Flying magazine as the best choice in terms of supplying equipment/upgrading solutions for flat displays.

Honeywell Poland

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