General Aviation New advantages for pilots

3 min czytania

Our business partner – GARMIN – still introduces something new in the field of avionics. This time the most important changes involve wireless connectivity for GTN 650/750 –new software 6.21, expanded feature set, an enhanced user interface and other additional solutions. Software version 6.21 is available for GTN systems of aircrafts registered in the USA. This software involves enhanced user interface and runs additional wireless connectivity for GTN 650/750 with a touchscreen.

Flight Stream 510 integration supports wireless Database Concierge between the GTN and the Garmin Pilot app on a mobile device. Flight plan transfer, as well as traffic, weather, GPS information and more also display on select mobile devices when paired with Flight Stream 510. These new features bring advanced capabilities and even more functionality to new and existing GTN650/750 and contribute to the continuous advantage of GTN avionics, which is offered to clients.

GTN, Telligence function

GTN control via spoken commands using Telligence

When installed with a separate push-to-command button, Telligence Voice Command can help reduce pilot workload by using automatic speech recognition technology within the GTN and GMA35/GMA 350 audio panels to perform common tasks. Based on intuitive phraseology, Telligence now accepts hundreds of commands at the push of a button. For example, when on approach to land, pilots can simply say, “Tune Destination Tower” to load the tower frequency into the standby position. While on a cross-country pilots can state, “Tune Nearest Center” to proactively load the closest center frequency that pilots can expect during the next hand-off from ATC. To view a specific page within the GTN at-a-glance, pilots can simply state “Show Flight Plan Page. While on a cross-country over an interesting point “Create Waypoint” command will allow create a waypoint at the current location. In the event ATC asks for distance information from the airport or a particular fix, stating “Show Distance” will display a pop-up box with distance information based on information entered in the flight plan. Alternatively, for a verbal readout of distance information, pilots can state, “Say distance to destination” and the GTN will verbally read out the distance to the destination airport through the audio panel.

User Interface „pinch to zoom”

In addition to the dedicated zoom icons, the GTN 650/750 now features “pinch-to-zoom” capability on any map, traffic or terrain pages. Like pinch-to-zoom on a smartphone or tablet, pilots can naturally use two-finger gestures on the GTN to zoom in and zoom out.

Garmin, user interface

Flight Stream 510, wireless database management and Database Concierge

Flight Stream 510 is a small, patented Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth®-equipped MultiMediaCard (MMC) that enables Database Concierge wireless database transfer and communication between the GTN 650/750 series and two compatible Apple or Android mobile devices operating Garmin Pilot. Wi-Fi connectivity is specifically for Database Concierge wireless database transfer and Bluetooth allows for a wide variety of additional capabilities, including flight plan transfer and sharing information on traffic, weather, GPS etc. Customers can easily incorporate wireless technology into their aircraft with the latest GTN software upgrade and Flight Stream 510, as no wiring changes are required. For customers with a G500/G600 glass flight display installed, back-up AHRS information also wirelessly displays within a mobile device. Subscription to Gramin Pilot is required to enable Database Concierge; a one-year subscription is included with Flight Stream 510. Flight Stream 510 wirelessly transfers the following databases to the GTN: Jeppesen NavData or Garmin Navigation Database, Airport Directory, Obstacle, Terrain, SafeTaxi, FliteCharts and Basemap.

Management Flight Stream 510

Database synchronization

Customers with any combination of GTNs or GTNs with G500/G600s and adequate subscription receive additional benefits with database synchronization. Once customers complete the wireless database transfer to the GTN, the databases are automatically transferred to the G500/G600 and synchronized across both systems to ensure database information matches and is up-to-date. Chart streaming also allows pilots to view and utilize departure, approach and arrival charts immediately, even while the charts database is synchronizing between the two systems. Flight Stream improves the experience by adding Database Concierge wireless database transfer, which automates database management between Garmin avionics.

European enhancements

Tailored specifically to European operators, the GTN series now includes the option to display Visual Reporting Points (VRPs) on the moving map. Often used as reporting points in controlled airspace, pilots can easily refer these points to their position on the map so it is easy to navigate and make accurate reports to air traffic control.

Additional features within the latest GTN software upgrade

• Radios available during power-up prior to engine start,
• Addition of flight track vector gives pilots more visual cues to help ensure flight plan tracking,
• Option to clear-all stored flight plans and user-waypoints,
• Pilot selectable SafeTaxi diagram hot spot descriptions.

Connext text and voice control via mobile devices

With Flight Stream 510, customers can pair an Apple mobile device operating Garmin Pilot to the GTN to access text and voice services enabled by a GSR 56 datalink. While in-flight and as well as on the ground, pilots can quickly send and receive messages with a mobile device using a familiar conversation format and conveniently utilize the phone’s existing contact database. Similarly, customers can initiate phone calls on an Apple mobile device using Garmin Pilot, so it is easier to complete phone calls over a headset during flight. The GSR 56 also supports the display of weather on compatible avionics.

Garmin Polska, awionika

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