Electric bus with a new cluster

1 min czytania

Our Design and Support Department together with the constructors from Autosan created „a kit combining hardware and software”, which allows to replace the standard FAP+/Moki cluster with a modern MultiViu Professional display, on a Plug and Play basis. We are pleased to inform our Readers that the first result of cooperation is Autosan electric bus.

The first step in this project was to install our original FAP with MVP display next to the existing driver’s workplace (FAP with Moki cluster). During road tests we were making comparisons of MOKI cluster indications with those provided by the new MVP. After the last improvements introduced into the application, a new FAP with 12-inch display had been installed on the bus replacing the FAP equipped with MOKI 3 cluster that has been used in this vehicle for many years.


We developed an application that is based on ZI emulation software (this is Continental VDO ready-made software, prepared in CAVTAN that our partner makes available, allows for its modification and extension). Our original solution, which has been developed from scratch within 7 months, enables moving to a higher level of technical design without the necessity to rewrite the machine code for the bus service. This new solution allows to replace a standard MOKI cluster with a new MultiViu Professional, on a Plug and Play basis.

It is suitable for different types of buses and various powertrain options used by Autosan. All indications and parameters have been precisely and correctly mapped. The software enables full mapping of all Menus used by Autosan till now (in DEMUX), all standard Menus written according to ZI emulation, as well as our Proprietary Menu that has been designed especially for Autosan – including: tire pressure mask, vehicle charging mask, mask for pressure in breaking systems and service mask. We have created Proprietary Menu individually (in CAVTAN), and then these data are displayed on MVP screen of a bus – the Autosan electric bus in this case.

Continental Polska

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